

Hi, I'm Diego Casero, frontend developer with over a year of experience. I deeply enjoy writing code and always seek opportunities to grow and tackle challenges. Known by my coworkers as a proactive and efficient programmer, I give my best to deliver quality solutions.


📝 A stylish and functional to-do list.

NextJS Typescript Tailwind Vercel

🔍 A Pokédex web app for searching Pokémon.

Javascrit API CSS Actions

🎨 A project featuring a bottle that changes color and sways

CSS HTML Animation Actions

📏 A handy tool for converting PX to REM units.

React Typescript React Hook Form Vercel


August 2023 - present

Front-end Developer


Development of interfaces using React, Angular, and styled with CSS/SASS for complex web applications. Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams to integrate design and functionality. Use of Git and GitHub for version control and Agile with Scrum for project collaboration.

React Angular Typescript Javascript CSS SASS Jasmine Vitest TDD CI/CD AWS Scrum

April 2023 - June 2023

Full-stack Developer


Interface layout tasks and utilization of the Figma platform for applications design. Backend development using .NET, contributing to the design and creation of robust solutions for specific projects.

Javascript Bootstrap CSS .NET C# VB.NET Figma SQL